The Model 3's exterior chrome trim is all blackened, including leaf plates, door knobs and window strips. Simple cost of a small effect can be modified, and there will be no car city style.

As the saying goes, the best way to avoid a bad situation is to modify the suspension of the teeth. Not only can the car get a better posture, but the handling will also have obvious changes. The Model 3 is powered by the KW V3, which, according to officials, has an adjustable height range of 25-55 mm for the front and 25-50 mm for the rear.

In terms of walking system, a BBS ci-r wheel hub was modified, with the data of the first 20 "9.5j ET40 and the last 20" 10.5j ET35. While the BBS ci-r is a nice looking set of wheels, whether it really looks good on tesla's futuristic Model 3 is up for debate.